Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a serious infection spread by mosquitoes. It is most prevalent in parts of Africa and South America. We can check whether you need it for your trip during your consultation.

There is a vaccine that can stop you getting yellow fever, but you should always give yourself the best protection by applying insect repellent whilst travelling to areas of high risk of Yellow Fever.


The Yellow Fever vaccination is recommended if you travel to a country where Yellow Fever is found, or you are travelling through a country that requires a certificate showing that you have had a Yellow Fever vaccination.

The Yellow Fever vaccine is a single dose vaccine and you do not require a booster as the vaccination lasts for the remainder of your lifetime. The certificate of vaccination won’t be valid until 10 days after the vaccination date. So you will need to allow this much time as a minimum before your trip when getting the vaccine.

Not everyone is able to receive the Yellow Fever vaccine, but we can discuss your suitability during the consultation.